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A Bookworm Chat!- Garfield's Big Book of Excellent Excuses

Bookworm Speaks!
Today, we’re going to do something a little different. Bookworm has many books in his collection, and several of them may be considered below Bookworm’s reading level, but Bookworm likes them and enjoys the memories they conjure. However, they are too short for a full review, so Bookworm will give his two cents in a brief little review called a Bookworm Chat! So without further ado…
A Bookworm Chat!
Garfield’s Big Book of Excellent Excuses
by Jim Davis
One of the first books ever owned by Bookworm was Garfield Feeds The Kitty, which is still owned by Bookworm, and ever since then the Garfield comic has been near and dear to Bookworm’s heart.
Garfield’s Big Book of Excellent Excuses, or Garfield’s Excuses, as we’ll use in this review, is a collection of excuses to a variety of scenarios. Most of them a rather juvenile in their humor or simplicity or overall silliness. A more accurate label for them would be clever one liners.
The comedic humor fits with Garfield’s style but it is more in tune with how the strip was written in the nineties. The strip has gone through numerous tonal changes over the years, which is good, but Garfield’s Excuses is a bit more juvenile than the current tone of the strip. It would not really be accurate to refer to them as funny, at least to an adult, but they are clever and few if not all of them could be considered a witty, sarcastic response. Sarcasm is the sign of a healthy brain after all.
Of course, saying things like that to your parents (no matter what the age) may result in unpleasant results, but a comedian must be prepared to suffer for his art. Of course, who knows, may be they will laugh and forget to be mad.
Final Verdict:
It’s short, its sweet, some may call it a cash grab but how is it different from any other franchise? Garfield’s Excuses never tries to be more than what it is, and fits into its age group.
Three out of Five Stars.
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