ComicWorm Speaks!- Rocket Salvage by Yehudi Mercado and Bachan

ComicWorm Speaks! 

Rocket Salvage by Yehudi Mercado and Bachan

The Story: Since this is only the first issue, the complete story is a little vague but their are certain elements that have already been revealed. The Story revolves around a former rocket racer named Primo Rocket and his family of clones that he is raising as his children. Primo Rocket was once a great rocket racer on the space station/planetoid Rio Rojo and seemed destined for glory, but something happened, the end result being him labeled a murderer and now reduced to running a salvage yard and may have resulted in Rio Rojo falling on hard times. While dodging mobsters and trouble, there is a big war going on and Primo Rocket may hold the key to ending it. 

The Good: If your looking for hard sci-fi, go read “The Martian” by Andy Weir (A very good read).  But if you want a fun, rip-roaring adventure, Rocket Salvage may just tickle that itch. Like the artwork, which we will address below 

The artists and writers cram so much into the art and narrative that its hard to keep up! The story moves as fast as the races that it revolves around. The whole world has a ton of atmosphere and the story keeps enough hidden from the audience in order to keep them engaged for the next issue.

Everytime you read it, something different is found. For example, after rereading the comic for this review, ComicWorm has discovered that the two sides in the war, the Republic of Galaxies and the Galactic Republic are essentially the same thing, maybe that’s part of the humor. 

The Artwork: The level of detail in this story is fantastic. You need to read this comic multiple times just to soak in all of the details crammed into each page. There is plenty of zaniness and character to be had when soaking in the details. 

The Worm is not exactly sure what it is but latin artists seem to have a certain style that seems to encompass them all. It is not exactly certain what it is but when a certain piece of work is seen, there is a certain element that makes latin aesthetic come to mind. 

The Flaws: There is really not a lot to say since this is only the first issue of the comic, but that is not to say there are not a few issues. The main one is the pacing, it goes by so fast that its very hard to keep up sometimes, requiring the reader to go back and look at it again. Every story needs a chance to stop and breathe for it to be the most effective. The characters seem rushed as well, but again this is more do to the fact that its only the first issue of the comic. 

Final Verdict: While there is not much to go on since its only the first issue, Rocket Salvage is rousing sci-fi adventure, brimming with potential. Can’t wait for the next issue!

Four out of Five Stars.


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